hello hello hello.
I know I haven't posted a blog in a while...not that anyone cares or anything, and my last one was all sappy and had this "I love you all" kinda thing going on. Well nothing has really changed.
I'm still Abena
I'm still single
I'm still weird
I'm still lazy
So yeah I'm a little upset because Garrett has been in Boston for Two whole weeks and hasn't managed to pick up the phone and give his homegirl a call. (the way I worded that sounds lame.)
And I'm constantly being attacked by my evil campers. I'm convinced that my boss-ish person thinks I'm a pathectic lazy bag of beans, I'm almost certin that I wont get an exellent on my report from her, so on Monday I'm gonna request to be back in my old group. Some of my campers that actually like me wont be that happy though.
And two days ago I managed to sit on my 430 degree flat iron while in short shorts. So high on my upper theigh I have two long and thin water blisters in the shape of lines, they hurt like a mofo! I'm such a weirdo that when it first happened I was laughing. Like rolling on the floor cracking up... and then I realized it hurt...a lot.
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Labels: Abena, icky, In new, out old, xxLifeonMars